ASOTRY project address the four major causes that result in high levels of vulnerability, food insecurity, poverty and malnutrition affecting Madagascar:
(1) poor health and nutrition practices, resulting in high levels of stunting;
(2) low levels of productivity, where agricultural production often does not meet dietary requirements, and limits household income;
(3) lack of access to food, as market access is limited by poor road conditions, limited production and high poverty; and
(4) vulnerability to natural disasters, affecting yields and households food supplies. These align with the four pillars of food security: utilization, availability, access, and stability, so in order to improve food security, the activities of ASOTRY were design to bring improvement to these four pillars.
Thanks to the Asotry project, 264,380 beneficiaries of 50,000 households, in 408 communities, or fokontany in Malgache, forming 32 communes in 10 districts of the country are food secure and able to recover from natural shocks.